welcome to the kippledrome, a collection of intarweb crapola. watch your feet!

Friday, July 29, 2005

more wtf?

sick of your consenting sexual partners accusing you of rape?
well then this is the product for you!

don't be like these accused (or guilty) rapists

the consensual sex form is a legally binding contract
which asserts legal consent
on the part of both "presenter" and "participant"
(i assume it only applies to one-on-one interactions)

one of the clauses affirms that
"the participant isn't under the influence"
(whoever said safe sex had to be boring?)

if you want the pack of forms that apply to ten "uses"
it'll set you back us$199.99..



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Wowee, I could have used a couple of those forms last weekend! I am up to my ears in litigation! Love the BLOGGY-Poo...wanna link swap?

12:19 pm

Blogger vector said...


congratulations on avoiding criminal charges

7:32 pm


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