welcome to the kippledrome, a collection of intarweb crapola. watch your feet!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

corporate ninja

office politics got you down?

probably not to the extent of the guys behind office guns

they have tested the range, accuracy and velocity
of a varied arsenal of weapons
constructed from freely available office supplies

then there's the advanced guns
like the super maul depicted above

it has a laser sight for improved accuracy
the results below speak for themselves

take that coke can!

conspicuous construction

norcal waste systems is a san francisco recycling plant
which has had an artist in residence program since 1990

andrew junge has made a hummer out of polystyrene
which, i think you'll agree
makes an interesting comment on consumption and waste

source source

wanna see my "reagan? just say no!" tattoo?

harley davidson used to brag
that they were the only manufacturer
whose customers tattooed their logo on themselves

this is of course no longer the case
the nike swoosh is not uncommon

and in 2003 a guy named jim nelson
offered up the back of his head
as lasting advertising real estate

he sold the space to webhost ci host
for $7000

another american woman, kerra fowler
in the months preceding the 2004 u.s federal election
offered up the same space on her body on ebay
to host an anti-bush message

her starting price was one cent
it eventually sold for $103.50

there is an interview with the woman herself
and the successful bidder here.
